Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Leaving Calgary: part one - my perfect ride

This was a particularly special ride, for one it was the only woman who picked me up, but also the circumstances of meeting were somewhat 'serendipitous' to use the word she chose. I had been staying with SV, but with a 3 year-old running around it was a bit much. I knew it was time to move on, my next destination was my sister in saskatoon. Terrific! I had intended to say my goodbyes and get dropped off on the edge of town by around 3pm-ish, after N's birthday party, dance recital, and gymnastics class (oh my!). But as sometimes happens with days like this and schedules it was closer to 5pm when I got out onto the side of the road. I got my first ride pretty quick, which was good because I was in a horrible spot, the traffic was moving far too fast and I wasn't far enough outside of the city. My first ride suggested staying on the no.2 and heading up to Edmonton before crossing over to Saskatoon. This was not what I wanted, sure there might be more traffic, but because of the late start to the day I wanted someone going straight to Sask. Which meant choosing a highway with less traffic on it, but with more chances that whoever is on it plans to go the whole way to Sask., as well. I had a feeling before leaving that I would catch a specific ride, this time a woman or perhaps a family, that they would go the whole way and like me intended to leave a few hours before they actually did, and that my perfect ride was due to come along I just had to wait for it.

Unfortunately my sister was not so confident. The idea of hitching already made her uncomfortable, the late start to the day did nothing to quell her fears. She was also concerned about how I would get into her apartment, she goes to bed early and sleeps soundly. So I am sitting on the side of the road, talking to my sister on the phone, and hearing that she really wasn't ready for me to come that night, oh fuck. We did get our one and only fight out of the way, but this left me scrambling to get a ride and another place to stay back in Calgary for the night, and rescheduling to leave the following morning. So now I am on the phone with my mom's friend Rosemary trying to figure out exactly which dirt road I am sitting beside. My sign for Saskatoon is out, but I'm turned away from the road and not at all trying to get a ride. All of a sudden a van pulls up, they open the door, I see three of them, middle aged, two male one female. They are going to Drumhiller, not to sask. but it would be easier to catch a ride from there... but knowing my sister really isn't ready for me I decide to turn them down, when another car pulls over across the road. She yells out that she came back to get me, but sees that I already have a ride. I ask, phone still to ear, are you going to Saskatoon? She says yes, and I say, Wait! You are my ride!! I say thank-you to the van going as far as Drumhiller, and thank-you to Rosemary, I no longer need to be picked up or a place to stay for tonight.

When I asked her later, DH, why she decided to pick me up she said it was serendipity. She was supposed to leave a few hours earlier, but worked later than intended that day, and that if my sign had said anything different she wouldn't have stopped, but it said Saskatoon and that is where she was heading. She paused. Then said, I was also thinking of my son, and was pretty sure that he would have wanted me to stop.


Calgary: 3-year-olds, water melons, and kitty-cat costumes. The pics.

N, checking out her momma's belly.

SV + N, sitting pretty for a portrait.

Crocodills + Kitty-cats, like lunching together.

N, decided she had to put on her cat costume.

You have to admit, she's a pretty cute kid! Oh yeah, watermelons, the kid ate so much watermelon I tried to convince her she would turn into one!

Calgary: 3-year-olds, water melons, and kitty-cat costumes.

I have arrived in London ON, my home town, and I am once again sitting in a starbucks trying to write episodes about my experience hitchhiking across 6 provinces. When I left off last, I had just posted the pictures of my second hitch with RM into Calgary. RM made sure I got right to the door of my friends place, and I arrived in time to chat with PB before he headed off to work, I crawled into bed with SV, and tried to get caught up on my sleep.

The three days I spent in Calgary were pretty great. I had not seen SV in too many years, I remembered when she was pregnant her daughter, N, but N is now 3 years old, and SV is pregnant with her second child, as son, B. It was easy catching up with SV, we'd stayed in touch somewhat over the years using FB and Skype, as many of us do, but nothing beats the real thing. She's the same fun, easy to talk to, bright and shiny personality I remember from when we lived together in Whistler, but there is more, now she is a terrific mother. I mean a really good mother!!! I hope to be like her someday. She runs a daycare out of her home, takes care of the family and finances, on top of that she is taking classes online so that she can have a job outside of the home too in the future, not to mention that she still has a bar-tending gig on the side. It was pretty humbling for me, a student, always just making enough to take care of myself through till the next semester, to watch her balance everything in her life, and to always be putting the needs of her daughter and soon to be son first. Real life. It hasn't hit me yet, but I am impressed by how my various friends are managing it. PB was also great to see, matured a lot since I saw him last and really falling into the role and pace of being a dad! It was great watching the family together and seeing how happy he was sitting there at the end of a long work day with N sitting on his lap.

I got to see how they handled a bit of stress, as well. Its not easy being a parent, and its not easy living away from friends and family, and putting responsibilities first. PB and SV are getting married a year from now, and I think that they are ready. Two people who are looking towards the future, working hard to establish themselves in jobs that are satisfying and that they can move up in, thinking of their kids and the future they want for them. I am really proud of the person and parent SV has become. Her daughter, N, is pretty fantastic too! She is so much like her mother - stubborn and fun! She kept me laughing, but also kept her parents on their toes. I was impressed with how she was dealt with when being difficult - sternly and quickly, she really couldn't get away with much, though it didn't stop her from trying.

It was fun too the night SV brought me out one night and I got to meet her Calgary friends. It was nice to see her out and having fun, I also really enjoyed the people I met that night, and kinda wished I could stay a bit longer! It will definitely be fun to stop in on Calgary again in the future, and I wish SV + PB + N all the best this summer until I see them at NK + T's wedding!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

merrit to calgary. pics.

This was what it was like for most of the trip. I mostly just listened.

Made it to Kamloops no problem, kept going straight through to Calgary.

Great views from the cab of the truck.

On the side of the road.

On the road.

Caught my reflection.

Yellow trees. Loved the colour up against the dark sky.

RM, an amazing storyteller.

RM, when I first met him, posing for a shot.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Merrit to Calgary: storytelling

Almost as soon as I was left on the side of the highway, before I had my thumb or sign out, before I even had my coat and bags sorted out a truck driver had pulled over to offer a lift. I asked first for a ride to Kamloops, my initial goal. We pulled into the Walmart parking lot so he could get some dinner, I took photos of his truck and his license plate to send to my contacts, and one more of him in front of his truck just cause. By the time we were exiting the Walmart I had decided to make the whole trip with him to Calgary, my next planned visit.

What followed was one of the most incredible drives of my life. RM gave me the most fascinating oral history of BC, he had grown up on the downtown east side of Vancouver I am guessing during the 1950's, though I never did ask his age. We passed through his families original homestead, he talked about a flood where his grandfather refused to leave the house fearing someone would loot the place, so he stayed on the top floor and the roof while everyone else evacuated. RM had a story like this, or a comment about a good fishing spot, or something about an old girl friend for pretty much every turn on the road. I only wish I could have recorded the entire conversation, I thought about it, but the noise in the cab was too loud, especially on the uphills and we rode together for just about 12 hours. It would have been hard to decide what to record and what to leave out. I did write out his responses to a formal interview I conducted. Hopefully someday I'll have an opportunity to ride with him again. It might also be nice to visit him in Peachland to go fishing or hunting.

The response is usually one of concern when I tell people I am hitchhiking, when I share that I got a ride in a transport truck the concern is magnified. As far as I am concerned this is the best way to travel. I didn't get car sick at all, and love the height and perspective from in the cab, you cover a lot of ground, and especially in this case the stories are fantastic! At one point RM even gave me some advice on how to effectively defend myself with a knife, suggesting that I carry one on me, just in case, while hitchhiking.

I finally fell asleep somewhere between Golden and Banff. I tried so hard to stay awake to hear more stories, but eventually exhaustion overtook me. I felt pretty safe for my body to relax enough to sleep, and it was good to get a few hours in after such a long day. I woke up again just a half hour outside of Calgary, around 5am, just as the sun was starting to make colours in the sky. RM decided to attempt the residential roads with his rig, driving me right up to SV's door. We said our goodbyes and exchanged info, and as a gentleman RM took my heaviest bag and walked me to the doorstep. Making sure I got there safe, he said.

I arrived in time to have a quick chat with PB while he got his coffee ready and before he headed off to work. I shot off a quick text to let everyone know I arrived safely, climbed into bed next to SV, and slept soundly until late morning.

Friday, May 13, 2011

mount curry to merrit. pics.

my sign. hand writing a 3-year old could improve on.

First spot I hitched from.

Under my red umbrella, sitting in the rain, waiting for a ride.

The breakfast NK made for me! So good, I got to taste it again on the Duffy!

NK + T, Bowen and Lexi.

Mount Curry to Merrit: umbrellas and leg warmers

It was a slow start, NK was a bit hungover, the sky was grey, and I was feeling a little groggy from the night before. So we had a slow leisurely breakfast, T made me a giant cup of coffee that took me an hour to finish. Once I hit the bottom of the mug it was time to go. By now raining pretty heavy. NK dropped me at the turn off for Lilloette. Before we left she said I could keep the legwarmers she's made and lent me the night before!

Now picture this. I made a pile out of my luggage and used my rain poncho as a tarp to cover it all. I had written Kamloops, my first goal, on a piece of cardboard in handwriting a 3 year old could have improved on. I sat on top of my pile with a red w/ black poka-dot umbrella and waited for a ride. It took about a 1/2 hour to get picked up by a Whistler local, DW, who could take me as far as Merrit. He was a great guy, been in Whis since '93 met and married his wife there, from Kenora where I'll be working later this summer, and had done his masters in Lund, in actually the same program as a friend of mine who I had visited there. So we had lots of interesting things to talk about. Unfortunately for him the Duffy made me carsick and we had to pull over twice so I could loose that awesome breakfast NK had made for me. Ulch!

When we arrived in Merrit my first ride and I stopped in at the cutest little coffee shop to grab a drink and a bite before parting ways. I was still feeling sick from the Duffy so I went and puked one last time in the toilets there, quickly brushed my teeth, then came out and ordered a tea and a cookie. A lovely girl, J, was working that day, when she saw the leggies that NK gave me she ran into the back and came out with a knit tea cup cozy in a matching blue and served my mint tea in it. I added some honey and all of a sudden felt a million times better! It was such a good feeling after hurling my guts out in the bathroom! Anyways, she loved the legwarmers, and wanted a pair for herself, so I got her contact info to give to NK. What I liked about the whole thing was this lovely set of exchanges and how something as small as a tea cup cozy and a pair of leggies can make you feel so warm and fuzzy inside. My first ride, DW, and I parted company. He dropped me on the off ramp towards Kamloops and continued on his way.

BBQ 2: pemby style

Lexi. 3 mo. old huskey/german shepard. We fell asleep together cuddled on the couch.

Nieks has wicked mountain girl style! crochets her own toques!

beers, fire, diesel gas and knee surgery.

Andrew chillin' on the back with Lexi.

BBQ 1: asian/danish style

Roomies and friends!

Jenga?! It was actually really fun and hilarious as we got drunker.

mmm, fishy so good! I liked the untypical BBQ food we had.

Chinese lanterns looked great during the day and lit up that night.

Our quirky strathcona backyard, and the cute danish made brick pit!\

more pics:!/media/set/?set=a.10150305325339937.411436.514374936

Vancouver to Pemberton: back to back BBQ's

Due to the laundry delay I decided to time my departure so I could hit up one last BBQ in Vancouver and make it for a Pemberton BBQ at my first stop, actually NK+T are in mount curry, just past Pem! It was funny how different they were, but a BBQ no matter the style is always a good time.

BBQ 1: the asian style backyard barby. my danish roommates made a little pit in the back using bricks that were just lying around, went to chinatown and bought some paper lanterns and decorations. Few friends dropped in, plus the gang of asians TT hung out with at school, we drank beer and blackberry flavoured Soju -- amazing stuff, it been flavoured w/ berries for 6 months, tasted amazing and went right to your head. We listened to beach boys while eating fish and prawns, fishcakes, sausauges, and thinly sliced beef in a Japanese style sauce. To prove that veggies could BBQ too I picked the last of the kale, added olive oil, S+P, chili flakes, and balsamic vinegar, threw it on till it started to crisp up and got a great smokey flavour that surprised everyone who tried it. The Danes also made a traditional potato salad w/ sour creme instead of mayo, and it was soo good!

We finished the night w/ a few rounds of jenga, more beer, marshmallow roasting, and more beer. The following morning we were all feeling a bit sluggish, CA, stayed drinking until right until the end w/ me, he was also supposed to help me move my stuff into storage and drop me off at the greyhound station. In the end we didn't really rush the morning, we were pretty efficient with the packing and storage stuff, but still missed the bus by approx. 10 min. CA, the wonderful friend he is, saw this as an opportunity to spend more time with me, and offered to drive me to Squamish so we could overtake the bus on the highway. Thanks CA, this trip definitely had the right kinda start because of you! NK picked me up from Pemby bus station, and drove me to her new cabin style home in Mount Curry.

BBQ 2: a pemby style barby. Raised pick-up trucks, music blaring, A giant pile of wood, a giant fire, and some old diesel fuel to keep it interesting. Lots a truck talk - in the winter its usually snowmobile talk - forest fire fighters, skeeter-b-gone, crochet legwarmers and toques, dogs running around, helicopter fighters, and knee surgeries. Boys and girls who love living out in the woods, camping, snowboarding, etc. Such a shift from the night before, but also perfectly delightful for me. The only reason I can manage to live in the city is because I get away and go play in the mountains whenever I can. Who knows maybe when school is done I will spend some more time up there. oh yeah, lots of beer, NK and I got into the raspberry vodka and lime juice, sausage, steaks, chicken wings, and me with my portabello mushroom burger. It was a perfect place to spend my first night on the road, cause I fly back to BC at the end of August for NK + T's wedding, so my first and last nights of the trip will be with the pemby crew!

one last night. pics

myself, writing the first post of the blog.

My new bed, the couch in the shared living space, cozy non?

Departure delayed due to wet laundry.

Tøbias, my danish roommate cozied up in his room.

We strung laundry up throughout the whole apartment.

It still took 3 days to dry properly, but it looked real pretty!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

one last night.

Tonight is my first night without a bed of my own. My roommate KC has come home from his travels and moved back into the big bedroom. I am now a house guest sleeping on the couch, and officially homeless. Tomorrow I begin my trek across the mountains, heading to my first destination in Pemberton to visit my friends NK + T and their two lovely dogs!

Packing has been quite an ordeal. I have been making slow progress over the course of the week. That I am leaving behind a great home filled with amazing people has resulted in a strong reluctance to leave. It feels strange, but my anticipation and urge to get on the road seem just as strong.

While packing I am once again amazed at the amount of stuff I have been able to accumulate in only 8 months. Where does it all come from? Part of this trip will be collecting information to use for a research project I am working on with HDF. It's fairly open at the moment, but we are looking into transience and mobility, what people carry with them, and the decisions they make about what to wear. HDF's focus is in fashion.

I was amazed today when KC shared with me and the Danes, TT + AB, what he packed for his trip overseas. 1 pair of each: pants, shorts, board shorts, a few T's and t-tops and a dress shirt, as well as his quintessential flip-flops. He stated the benefits of traveling light, swift mobility, and no need to rush to the next destination to unload. His light load afforded him the freedom to stop, start and change directions on a whim. No need to find a home base, he had what he could easily carry on him at all times. Following this wisdom I have decided to re-pack my bag again tomorrow, to see what I can ditch and how little I can get by on.

TT's advice was to bring only my favourites, and that my special mug provides me with such joy that it is a luxury I should afford myself. I believe it was another friend, CA, who mentioned the other night that he doesn't own anything he can't wear out dancing. My sheepskin slippers are another indulgence I often afford myself. We'll see what tomorrow brings, after a good nights sleep I will reevaluate what's worth taking. I can imagine both: how gloriously indulgent it feels to wear slippers while travelling, or how much I will appreciate them after a summer apart.