Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Calgary: 3-year-olds, water melons, and kitty-cat costumes.

I have arrived in London ON, my home town, and I am once again sitting in a starbucks trying to write episodes about my experience hitchhiking across 6 provinces. When I left off last, I had just posted the pictures of my second hitch with RM into Calgary. RM made sure I got right to the door of my friends place, and I arrived in time to chat with PB before he headed off to work, I crawled into bed with SV, and tried to get caught up on my sleep.

The three days I spent in Calgary were pretty great. I had not seen SV in too many years, I remembered when she was pregnant her daughter, N, but N is now 3 years old, and SV is pregnant with her second child, as son, B. It was easy catching up with SV, we'd stayed in touch somewhat over the years using FB and Skype, as many of us do, but nothing beats the real thing. She's the same fun, easy to talk to, bright and shiny personality I remember from when we lived together in Whistler, but there is more, now she is a terrific mother. I mean a really good mother!!! I hope to be like her someday. She runs a daycare out of her home, takes care of the family and finances, on top of that she is taking classes online so that she can have a job outside of the home too in the future, not to mention that she still has a bar-tending gig on the side. It was pretty humbling for me, a student, always just making enough to take care of myself through till the next semester, to watch her balance everything in her life, and to always be putting the needs of her daughter and soon to be son first. Real life. It hasn't hit me yet, but I am impressed by how my various friends are managing it. PB was also great to see, matured a lot since I saw him last and really falling into the role and pace of being a dad! It was great watching the family together and seeing how happy he was sitting there at the end of a long work day with N sitting on his lap.

I got to see how they handled a bit of stress, as well. Its not easy being a parent, and its not easy living away from friends and family, and putting responsibilities first. PB and SV are getting married a year from now, and I think that they are ready. Two people who are looking towards the future, working hard to establish themselves in jobs that are satisfying and that they can move up in, thinking of their kids and the future they want for them. I am really proud of the person and parent SV has become. Her daughter, N, is pretty fantastic too! She is so much like her mother - stubborn and fun! She kept me laughing, but also kept her parents on their toes. I was impressed with how she was dealt with when being difficult - sternly and quickly, she really couldn't get away with much, though it didn't stop her from trying.

It was fun too the night SV brought me out one night and I got to meet her Calgary friends. It was nice to see her out and having fun, I also really enjoyed the people I met that night, and kinda wished I could stay a bit longer! It will definitely be fun to stop in on Calgary again in the future, and I wish SV + PB + N all the best this summer until I see them at NK + T's wedding!

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